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Building Strong Foundations for Suppliers

Build, grow, sustain.

For simplicity and transparency, we have outlined our most popular services below.


Each service is designed to be low-cost and low-risk, with a fixed-rate pricing structure to ensure peace of mind.

Strategy Call

Open & Honest

Do you want to check you are heading in the right direction before making a big investment or moving forward on a project or hire?

Are you not sure on next steps or how best to approach moving forward?


Using years of experience in the sector, we are here to help with a focussed and honest appraisal on where to go next.


From £145


Starting Strong

The best things are built on great foundations. Through GEST Foundation, we look through your products and examine exactly how you are looking to help education establishments.


We consider, amongst other things, your resource, potential flaws or issues that may need ironing out, along with pricing and delivery approach.


Using all of this information, we put together a custom sales and Go-to-Market strategy, based on both a tactical and strategic approach.


Tactically, we consider economic and geographical areas where your product may be best suited whilst strategically aligning this for individual schools, groups, partners, affiliations and any potential government opportunities.


From £1,495

Take Off

Plans meet action

Built on the GEST Foundation programme, we take the sales and Go-to-Market strategy and put it into action over a 90-day period.


We are on hand and run with your team to put the tactical and strategic areas of our planning into action.


We bring our expertise, network and experience to help put together potential high-level government strategies, along with partnerships, affiliations and groups plans, whilst also implementing plans down to a granular individual school or group level.

We also provide an actionable 30-60-90 day plan. For GEST Take-off, we support you in delivering that plan yourself.


From £3,495

Take Off +

Building Pipelines

Built around all the same areas and detail of the GEST Take Off plan, the Take Off+ gives you the opportunity to use our expertise and resource more closely, with greater involvement to deliver the strategy through to execution. 


Following the GEST Take-off programme you will have implemented a solid foundation and should now begin to be building a pipeline of international business.


From £7,495

To learn more about how we help suppliers reach the markets they deserve, get in touch below

I have worked with Danny and GEST for several years.


He is one of the most personable and knowledgable people I know. He has worked with schools across Europe and the Middle East. He is a pleasure to work with and is somebody that you can absolutely trust.

Ian Hunter, Founder & CEO Lime Education

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Our Partners

Working with the best in education, across the world

GEST Consultancy
Gresham Works
38 Market Street

Global Education Strategy Team Ltd.
Company No: 13163720

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